Kazakhstan Tennis Tour (KTT) is a tennis competition frame work in Kazakhstan, managed by the Tennis Federation of Kazakhstan.
KazakhstanTennisTourimplementstheactivitiesasperthe following directions:
KazakhstanTennisTourimplementstheactivitiesasperthe following directions:
- Prepares the tournaments’ calendar
- Develops Tournament Regulation samong boys and girls, men and women, as well as the KTT Regulations
- Develops regulatory do cumentsandeducationalmaterials to facilitateimprovements towards tournament arrangements and operation
- Together with the Agency on sports, physicalcultureandfitness&sportsorganizationsunderregionalandurbancentres of Kazakhstan, organizes and holds Kazakhstan championships
- FacilitatesorganizationandoperationofKTTtournaments, as well as senior and amateur competitions
- Makesarrangementsfortheperformance of officiating in accordance with the KTT Regulations
- ArrangesandrunsKTTOfficiatingworkshopstoimprovethequalityoftournament organization and operation in Kazakhstan
- Induecourse reviewscomplaintsandobjectionsfromtheplayersandtheirrepresentativesagainsttheviolationsoftheKTTRegulationsbythetournament hostsandchiefofficials, violations ofrules of the game and Regulations for a tournament operation, as well as the violations of the Player Code by the players and of the Official Code by the officials, and takes appropriate measures to address the issues
- KeepsaccountsoftheresultsofKazakhstaniplayersatbothKTTtournaments and official international events and maintains the Kazakhstani tennis player ranking.
- President's Cup (ATP Challenger Tour and ITF Women's)
- Kazakhstan Cup 12&U and 14&U
- ATP ChallengerTourevents
- ITF Futures & ITF Women's events
- 12&U Asian Team Competition Finals
- Kazakhstan Championship and Junior Championship
- Davis Cup & Fed Cup
- Masters 10&U and 12&U
- Gold 14&U and 16&U
- ATF Junior 14&U
- ITF Junior