Beauty and pride of Kazakhstan

07.03.2015    Оқылғаны: 1491
On the eve of March 8, the Head of State hold a meeting with representatives of women's community of Kazakhstan "Koktem shuagy".
The festive guests of Ak-Orda who came from all regions of Kazakhstan became the brightest and fine confirmation of that the Kazakhstan women are versatile, strong and talented. Among participants of the meeting there were representatives of the different fields and kinds of activity - mothers of large families, professional athletes, teachers, doctors, scientists and cultural figures, ballet dancers, snipers, laborers and opera stars, businesswomen and MPs ... The Head of State congratulated everybody with the International Women’s Day and wished all the female public of Kazakhstan a happiness, good health and wellbeing.
Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized that one of the priorities of a state policy is improvement of welfare of women.
– We endured a lot of things during the years of Independence. Now prosperity and serenity reign in our country. And Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" and "Nurly zhol" and all other programs are aimed at it. Women as keepers of the home soul wish prosperity first of all for
their children and want to feel care from the state, – the President told.
The fact of an increase in a level of birth rate in the country can become an excellent indicator of the growing prosperity of Kazakhstan. Only last year 400 thousand children were born.
During the meeting, the President recalled the 23 years of our country's independence this year.
– The time has passed like a flash because all of us were busy. And today we see the results –we have constructed our State recognizable and respected around the world, – Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized.
Also popular stars of Kazakhstan were among the Akorda's guests – a tennis player Zarina Diyas, a world boxing champion Nazym Kyzaybay and, by recognition of the whole world, the most beautiful volleyball player of Kazakhstan Sabina Altynbekova.
– I travel a lot around the world and talk to the contemporaries. And now I precisely know that for the young in the world there is no better country than Kazakhstan, – Z. Diyas emphasized, addressing to the Head of State during the meeting. Besides, the 30st racket of the world promised to train persistently in order to be in the top ten tennis-players of the planet and devote all the victories to the President.
In general, the Head of State discussed a set of important subjects with participants of the meeting and raised a set of significant questions. Representatives of the women's community in their speeches expressed their gratitude to the Head of State for carrying out a policy of care for mothers and children, for strengthening family values. They noted the importance of further implementation of government programs aimed at the welfare of the people and each Kazakhstani family.
Zarina Diyas is a tennis-player, 30st racket of the world:
"Big tennis became a business of my entire life. I once saw a game of the President, and then read an interview as the Head of State propagandized tennis, golf, mountain skiing and a healthy lifestyle. Nursultan Nazarbayev became an example for me. I travel a lot around the world, I talk to the contemporaries. And now I precisely know that for the young in the world there is no better country than Kazakhstan. At the meeting with the President in Akorda I as the tennis-player told the Head of State that his backhand is similar to a backhand of Rafa Nadal. I promised to train persistently to be in the top ten tennis players of the world. I devote all the victories to the Head of State. I thank him for the TV channel "Kazsport", for everything that the leader of the nation does for us!

Kazakhstanskaya Pravda

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